The Municipality of Grey Highlands: Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture
The Municipality of Grey Highlands: Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture Read More »
Responsible for the direction and administration of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department in accordance with the approvals of Council, including; planning, coordinating and presenting short- and long-term feasibility studies/reports and preparing, presenting and monitoring capital/operating budgets; overseeing the management and operation of the Programs, Facilities and Bookings business units; liaising with the public and Community Service Groups and the development of policies and operating procedures within the context of public access to municipal parks, recreation and culture programming. Provides advice to Council, attends public and community association meetings; Plans and delivers special community events; approves tender documents for equipment, machinery, facilities and major capital expenditures; and overseeing the operations, maintenance and development of all indoor Municipal facilities, including building systems, construction and renovations, custodial services and day-to-day operation.
Credentials: Post secondary education in fields related to parks, recreation and culture or associated disciplines.