Town of The Blue Mountains: Library CEO / Chief Librarian Public Library
Town of The Blue Mountains: Library CEO / Chief Librarian Public Library Read More »
Reports to Public Library Board. Responsible for the direction and general management and day-to-day operations of the Public Library System including policy enforcement; program and long-range strategic planning; execution of statutory responsibilities under the Public Libraries Act. Represents the Public Library System with external agencies and on behalf of the Board as required; and serves as Secretary and Treasurer to the Library Board. As Chief Financial Officer of the corporation co-ordinates, reviews, prepares and recommends to the Board the annual capital and operating budget/forecasts and potential funding sources; develops appropriate accounting and administrative procedures, and reporting standards; ensures efficient operations and fiscal management within budgets and generally accepted accounting principles. Prepares financial statements and reports, and audit files. Keeps abreast of and responds to new legislation affecting Libraries. Identifies community needs and concerns. Develops and/or reviews marketing/promotion strategies and publicity materials of Library programs, facilities and special events and fund-raising ventures, ensuring compatibility with the mission statement. Has sole authority delegated by the Board to speak to public and press on behalf of the Library.
Credentials: Completion of formal advanced academic training in business/public administration and/or a library discipline at a university master’s level.